Musical Artists
Shigeto collaborated with Future Fires resident artist Can Buyukberber to create a splice of interactive visuals and kinetic music at our Future Fires launch event in SF.
The music of Zach Saginaw, who records as Shigeto, is cross-wired of a host of different musical influences. His live sets deliver propulsive skills at the drum-set spliced with real-time mixing, a ping-ponging soundscape of looping and real-time performance. Collaboration with world-class visual artists means the visual field is part of the experience as well. On his most recent "Intermission," Shigeto places disparate sounds side by side, offering a snapshot both of where he has been as an artist and where he is going. Both live and in his evolving catalogue, Shigeto tells the story of an artist with a broad musical background stretching out, exploring his myriad influences, and inviting his audience into a kinetic, kaleidoscopic world of sound.
Chagall is an Amsterdam-based electronic music producer, songwriter, singer, performer. She's an early adopter of mi.mu gloves (wireless data gloves, enabling performance of electronic music with gestures).
“For up and coming cyber-pop talent, look no further than Chagall, the Amsterdam-born, London-based cyborg diva … Brilliant!” - CDM
Chagall appeared recently at South by Southwest and at Sonar +D. A recent Ted Talk gives a view of how she makes music, and why. With support from Arts Council England, she’s been touring her new show, “Calibration,” through the UK. Chagall’s live shows are making a deep dive into a visual representation of the sonic world she creates, joining carefully crafted choreography to real-time graphics. This is an approach that places her angelic voice in the middle of a choral and rhythmic maelstrom of her own making, with color, light, sound and grace.
Raven Kwok was born in Shanghai in 1989. He is a visual artist, animator and creative programmer, focused on exploring a generative visual aesthetic through computer algorithms and software processes.
Click on the image to get a view of work Raven has done for Karma Fields and Max Cooper, among others.